Elephant Stock – an American e-commerce tech-innovative company in the home decor industry


ElephantStock www.ElephantStock.com - an American tech-innovative company in the home decor industry (e-commerce, 80k+ art items & personalized products). In my role, I have established an in-house Design Studio including 3 designers, freelancers, video creator. As the head of the design studio, I am a part of the management of the Product and [...]

Nexence – sensor platform for treating sleep apnea by biofeedback.


Nexence Nexence - sensor platform for treating sleep apnea by biofeedback. The Nexense app turns any smartphone into a snore-tracking device and services as a control panel for various gadgets. By tracking sleep patterns, the app recommends improvements to your sleeping patterns and breathing habits. The sensor monitors breathing patterns during sleep and [...]